May 05, 2011

Its Been a LONG TIME Agian

Ok so yeah i really suck at updating my blog so much has happened since my last post.. I had my sweet baby girl Makinley! I have waited my whole life for this little girl and SO glad i finally got her. so now where do i start?? I guess ill start where i left off so here goes (ill try to make it quick he he he) So i was on bed-rest after my uncle passed away my mom came into town on Nov 2nd for my Uncles wake and i was going in for Non stress test's twice a week with each one good!! my Uncles wake on Nov 6th was awesome alot of people showed up. He was Cremated cuz thats what he wanted he sat on my aunts fireplace with a lit candle atop his box it was peaceful and i knew he was with us, especially when a glass bowl just broke into pieces and no one was in the Kitchen... Towards the end of the night my Aunt handed me a note that had my name on it, inside was a letter from my uncle (that my aunt wrote for him) and a two pictures of my uncle back in the day how i remembered him and i lost it. this is what my note said Dear Danielle, Patti is helping me write this note to you. It is a quiet and clam evening and i am feeling fine but a little tired. I love you and hope that you feel my love. Your a good woman. Give my love to your daughter, who knows maybe i will get to see her. I wish you all the best in your life. I wish you happiness and good health. You will always be my "Pinky" All my Love, (then he signed) Your Uncle John K.

Those few words mean so much to me (even just reading them now brings tears to my eyes).
i miss him every day and think of him all the time. and i feel selfish that i wish he would of hung on a few more weeks to meet his great Niece but i know he is in a far better place and met her in heaven before she made her debut with us. im sure he told her all sorts of story's too.. and that gives me peace!
My mom was supposed to be here a week then fly back a few weeks later to be here for the birth of Makinley, but her plans quickly changed
a few days before she left my BP was high (my mom i think helped with that she would say things like "your car was hit in the parking lot ect to raise it ) so anyways Diane wanted to see about how big Baby girl was so i was scheduled for another ultra sound to get a guesstimate of how big she was..on the Wednesday she was supposed to fly back i had my ultra sound and the Dr. told us she was pushing 9lbs (8lbs 9oz) and i about died thinking to myself "no way in hell that baby is coming out of my who ha" after that appt i had another appt with Diane and was told to come back on Sunday night to be induced ( i would of been 37 weeks)!! My mom was EXCITED and i was everything excited to see my baby girl and scared as hell.. Now my mom had to change her flight cuz after my appt we where on our way to the airport to drop her off. she got her flight changed and i was no longer on bed rest i was allowed to go shopping and walking so i did. come Friday Nov 12th Diane called me with bad news "we have to wait to induce you" I guess the Dr. that originally said he would back her up for me to be induced early was no longer backing her up so we had to wait. at this point i had NST 3 times a week. so come Friday Nov 19th i had my NST and my BP was high and my mom wasnt even "helping out" after that appt i had an appt with Diane my BP was still high while i was over there so at 2pm Nov 19th i was told to go to LDS hosp at 8pm i was finally getting induced.. i wasn't miserable with this pregnancy it was for the most part a easy pregnancy other than the HORRIBLE heartburn from day 1 (she was not HAIRY at all so that wives tale is a MYTH) i was excited i was gonna see my baby girl! so we left i came home and packed my stuff we went to Arbys for dinner and then we where on our way to LDS Hosp. Here is my last belly pic Friday Nov 19th 37 weeks and 6 days..

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