Most of my appts have gone well my BP has been low and my weight has been low as well i usually gain any where from 2-3 pounds a month so the dr is VERY PLEASED since i was already a lil on the heavy side..
20 weeks
i went in for 20 week appt the measurement appt i was so excited to see how this baby girl was growing.. on my way i stopped by McDonald's and got a large caramel frappe which has been my weakness for a few months now but i was hoping it would get baby girl moving for the ultra sound.. Bart has been a great hubby he has been able to go to majority of my appts which has been nice.. so as we are sitting there watching our baby girl on the screen in front of us and it still amazes me how much she has grown and to see her inside of me.. they start the measurements and they are able to see her head, lips, brain, arms, legs and tummy and i got to hear her heart beat for the first time.. Diane has been trying to get it on the Doppler but since im a lil fluffy in the tummy the Doppler cant get a good heart beat i cried when i heard my baby girls heart beat for the first time but im sure all mommas are.. as they attempt to look at her heart her toes are in her mouth so all the tech can see is her thigh over her heart , and then she kept putting her lil hand on her forehead like "oh please are you done yet" so after 25 minuets the tech leaves tells me to get up and move her around hopping she will quit sucking her toes, a few min later Dr. Rose came in and said lets just have you come back in another month she will be a lil bigger and we should be able to see more.. so i agree and we schedule my 24 week appt with IMC again..
Week 24, i made a early appt with them this time i do the orange Juice trick so i stop at Micky D's again and get a Large OJ.. hoping this will get her going ...... ha ha ha we where in for it the tech starts the measurements and she was alot bigger this time they measure her head right on track legs, arms, stomach, bladder, all of it but the heart again.. this time she is laying on her side and so not in the mood to move... so the tech tells me to lay on my side so she will flip so i lay on my side for about ten minutes then a new Dr. comes in not sure of his name but he was nice as he places the ultrasound on my tummy she is in the same position she didnt even MOVE.. lil snot..the dr starts shacking my belly to get he to roll over or flip and nothing... and then i tell him i drank a large OJ hoping it would get her moving he was even shocked that she was not even budging. he told me she is right on track for a December 4th delivery date she is measuring right where she is supposed too , and then i ask him about her heart and he begins to tell me her heart is in the right position but i cant see it that well and im not signing off on it till im 100% sure but he said he felt pretty good that her heart was ok. but we go back in another month for a 28 week ultra sound.. Yay for all the ultra sounds..
Aug 22nd, 2010 (25 weeks along) Me and Bart are watching Transformers 2 and my laying on my side up to this point i hadn't really felt baby girl i mean i felt lil things and wondered if that was her so as im laying there i feel what i think it her and i look at my belly and i see a lil bump pop up i gasped and told Bart OMG i just saw her kick or something so i lift up my shirt and we are watching my tummy and i see it again and Bart was able to see it as well it was an amazing moment i watched her do this 3 times so either shes gonna love the transformers or hate them... lol but it was nice put the feeling with her actually moving so now i know its her moving and boy she loves to kick the crap outta me.. but its an unsettling feeling and amazing feeling all at the same time
ok from here on out im gonna just do some quick updates im gonna copy them from my facebook.. i know cheating huh..
Aug 24th---- ha ha ha so im watching "i didnt know i was pregnant" and at the commercials they have lil quizzes this one was " if you experience excessive heartburn during pregnancy, your baby will most likely be born with a full head of hair" True or False.....i have had heartburn so bad since day one now im to the point i have it all day no matter what i eat.. ill keep you all posted if shes a lil hairy
Aug 25th- i came home from work with a horrible backache that then turned in to mild cramping i called Diane my OB and she put me on Bed rest for the night.. as i sat there laying down crying all night so scared that something had to give since this pregnancy has gone so well not feeling her move she finally kicked me and it was a kick that actually scared me so i felt ok knowing my baby girl was gonna be ok, i texted Robin and told her about the backache and cramping and that Diane told me to rest as much as i could before my shift the next day to help stop the cramping, she told me not to worry about my shift to say down and rest .. I LOVE MY BOSS she is amazing... so i took Thursday off and was horizontal all day and all night, come Friday well that was a dif story about 2 hours into my shift the backaches started and the mild cramping so i called Diane and left a message i stayed seated most the day and then Diane called me and told me best rest for the weekend and come in Monday for a Enzyme test..
After i got off work i went and bought a heavy duty belly belt to keep baby girl up a lil and help elevate my backaches , and spent the weekend on bed rest.. well i tried my laptop crashed and it was so not the weekend to have your laptop die but thankfully i bought the extended warranty with Best Buy and by Sunday and two trips i had my laptop back with a new harddrive and im so glad i miss all my bookmarks but im glad i paid the xtra money for the warranty..
Aug 27th-OMG im down to the 99 days till my due date.. I just hope Lil Miss Makinley stays put till she s further along...
Aug 29th 11:45am-Baby Makinley is kicking the crap out of me... She's not digging this weekend bedrest and no movies to watch either but so cool to see the bumps in my belly pop up every time she kicks or punches....
Aug 29th 4:14pm-Got my Laptop back now i need to reinstall everything... oyyy vie!!!
Monday Aug 30th- i went and met with Diane i have gained 2 pounds since my last appt which is good and she did the enzyme test. It test for preterm labor if it comes back positive 90% chance she will come early .... It came back negative!!!! yay she just told me to take it easy and wear the belt.. it has helped alot, she said the cramping was probably round ligament pain... im just glad baby girl is staying PUT!!!!
according to facebook now i am up to date, im gonna try and make a goal that when i update facebook im gonna update my blog... well see how well that goes.. now ill post some belly pics that i have taken weekly enjoy!!
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